Call for Contributions
Full research papers and abstracts for pecha kucha, workshops, demonstrations, performances, and posters exploring Creativity and Engagement in Higher Education across one of the following themes:
Conference Themes
- Social Media: Papers and abstracts are sought that explore how social media can be used to facilitate, engage, support or deliver learning
- Learning, Teaching and Assessment: Papers and abstracts are sought that offer insights into creative ways of facilitating learning, teaching and assessment and enabling engagement with students
- Networking and Partnerships: Papers and abstracts are sought that address engagement and creativity with external partners. Partners may include other universities, other countries, and employers. This may include research in organisational learning and in work related learning.
International delegates who need to make travel plans are encouraged to make early submissions of full papers. We will notify you of whether or not your paper will be accepted at least as an abstract within 6 weeks.
The decision on its suitability as a full paper will be made at the same time for all submissions. Except for posters, workshop, demonstration and performance submissions, the final presentations that are accepted for the conference must be uploaded to the ECE website by 24 June 2011
* to submit your paper or abstract link here