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This website has been archived - it will not receive further updates, but will be kept online for reference purposes. Any forms have been removed, and links may be broken or out-dated. This site was last updated in August 2011, and was archived in July 2013

Full Research Papers





Material included from Calls for Papers at © The Association for Learning Technology (ALT), but published under a Creative Commons ' Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales licence

Creative Commons License
























We invite submission of full research papers, which address one of the conference themes. Our definition of research is inclusive, encompassing informed scholarship and critical reflection, as well as empirical and evidence-based study. We welcome papers that offer: synthesis and re-interpretation of existing research; critiques of developments in practice; theoretical arguments or conceptual frameworks; critical / reflective analysis; innovative research methodologies; collaborative research studies which cross traditional disciplinary boundaries.

Papers should not exceed 5000 words, including references and any appendices.

Evidence-based research papers should be completed research (work in progress should not be submitted), and include the following:


For papers in non-evidence based scholarly traditions, no guide is provided besides:


Full details of paper style and format can be downloaded here.

We expect that presentation of the research at the conference will be 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions.


Criteria for review

Each proposal will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers, and proposals will be rated as one of the following:
The review panel’s decision will be final.
The review panel reserves the right to alter the choice of theme or the type of presentation. Full papers will be reviewed against the following criteria:


We are in the process of exploring options for publication of selected papers, which include a book and special editions of journals. We will advise of this later in the year


* Submit your full research paper here



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University of Salford     CMS by EDinteractive
Education in a Changing Environment Conference 2011