Archived site

This website has been archived - it will not receive further updates, but will be kept online for reference purposes. Any forms have been removed, and links may be broken or out-dated. This site was last updated in August 2011, and was archived in July 2013













































Emerald EducationPlus is Emerald's premium and most comprehensive journal and book series collection, spanning Education Research, Management and Practice. Providing a unique and cross-disciplinary perspective, the collection offers wide-ranging coverage of all issues pertinent to education researchers and practitioners from policy-driven concerns to matters surrounding gifted education and educational psychology.

The best research paper will be sponsored by the Multicultural Education & Technology Journal.


The international publisher Elsevier is pleased to sponsor the Best Paper in healthcare education Award at the forthcoming conference.

In addition, the journal editor of Nurse Education in Practice, Karen Holland ( Research Fellow for Evidence -Based Nursing Education Innovation) from the School of Nursing & Midwifery, has agreed to provide post-conference support to authors who have submitted successful abstracts and who are keen to develop their papers for submission to Nurse Education in Practice (NEP) and its sister publication Nurse Education Today .

This applies to any health and social care education focused paper.


Open Resources for Built Environment Education (ORBEE) plans to repurpose teaching and learning materials; making them freely available online under an intellectual property licence. This permits their free use especially to address sector needs on ‘work place, work related or distance learning’. Consequently, by harnessing the knowledge capital of HEI-Industry engagement, a range of relevant re-calibrated open educational resources are to be provided.

University of Salford     CMS by EDinteractive
Education in a Changing Environment Conference 2011